Python virtual environments

Python has many powerfull powerfull packages. In scientific computing many packages may be used in a single project. To manage many python packages often a package manager as conda is used.

On a HPC system we do not prefer conda as it does not use optimised binaries and the casche can take up a lot of space, but we understand it is usefull in some cases and try to help.

Working with virtual environments further makes the python environment better to manage

  • A virtual environment is a named, isolated, working copy of Python that that maintains its own files,
  • directories, and paths so that you can work with specific versions of libraries or Python itself without affecting other Python projects.
  • Virtual environmets make it easy to cleanly separate different projects and avoid problems with different dependencies and version requirements across components.

In short: - use virtualenv (preferred) or conda - create an isolated environment - Install packages - Activate a virtual environment - Deactivate a virtual environment - Delete a virtual environment

Adding a requirements file

Python requirements files are a great way to keep track of the Python modules. It is a simple text file that saves a list of the modules and packages required by your project. By creating a Python requirements.txt file, you save yourself the hassle of having to track down and install all of the required modules manually.

A reuirements file is a simple text file, which looks like this.


Installing modules from a requirements file is easy as.

pip install -r requirements.txt

A requirements file can also be generated with:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

See the article referenced below for more information.

Portable scripts

The first line in a script usually starts the interpreter and is called the Shebang. It is recommended to use /usr/bin/env, which can interpret your $PATH. This makes scripts more portable than hard coded paths..

Will only run your script if python is installed in /usr/local/bin.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Will interpret your $PATH, and find python in any directory in your $PATH.

So your script is more portable, and will work without modification on systems where python is installed as /usr/bin/python, or /usr/local/bin/python, or even custom directories (that have been added to $PATH), like /opt/local/bin/python.

Further Reading * python virtual environments primer * python requirements.txt file